Monday, 5 May 2014

Some Tumblr stuff that was useful and funny

I'm a proud internet addict. My main addiction is Tumblr, because I am not a typical whiny teenager of the '00s (note the sarcasm). But actually, I would just like to defend Tumblr for a minute, because despite the lack of punctuation, obsession with kittens and NSFW content, I have learnt so much from it. So when I came across this post, I had to share it. ( in case the link is broken)

Not only is this incredibly powerful, but it's so simple that it reminds you that we take the Google search engine for granted. Not only has this been a massive part of what I've been learning this term in terms of sub-editing (using keywords in headlines, etc) but what the search engine provides is a brief look into what people are searching for and the fact that there are answers to some of those questions/statements astounds me. But then again, it is the internet. 

To end on a lighter note, I also found this yesterday:

A bit of a satirical view on the rubbish headline and news today. I hope if I ever end up with a job describing whether I can see Rihanna's nipples or not I will write a headline as hilarious as these.

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