Tuesday, 3 December 2013

When writing a story...

Reading a story in a newspaper, it is easy to overlook how simple the language is. Accessible and  easy to follow, the language flows more easily than a novel or piece of prose.

But after years of being told to avoid plain language, to show not tell, to elaborate on simpler finer points, writing a news story is not as easy as reading one.

Creating a news story takes a lot of patience and practice. Refining language and  selecting key points is more of a skill than first thought. Particularly when writing stories I have found myself over elaborating on details that aren't necessary to the story.

Luckily, my blog is where I'm allowed to off-load my abundance of thoughts. It was in fact my writing an awful lot that gained me the some 2,000 followers I had on my previous blog. Although personal and often rant-style posts, it amazed me that people were interested in what I had to say, and in a world where people are prepared only to listen when it suits them, blogging fills a void in our social sphere that I fear would be totally lost had blogging not become so popular.

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